Preston’s new University Engineering Centre

University of Central Lancashire, UCLan, recently announced a new Engineering Innovation Centre to be opened in 2018.   The new building will be located near the Adelphi close to the heart of the UCLan Campus. It will contain equipment to enable technology demonstration and specialist work with an objective of producing engineers trained with a broad scope of relevant technical and personal skills and the ability to use teamwork and project management. The centre will also liaise with local schools to promote engineering and provide the skills that will be needed in the future.

UCLan already provides courses in aerospace and motor sport, robotics, electrical and mechanical engineering.  This new centre will enable specialist and project based work and support local industry also new courses in oil and gas safety and aerospace engineering.

This sounds an interesting scheme, we frequently hear that companies like Rolls Royce Aero Engines have to recruit qualified engineers from Germany.  There is a skills gap in the UK caused largely by the decline in engineering base since 1950, and its lack of modern image.   Yet working on unmanned aircraft and cars, creating apps and devices we don’t yet know about is surely an exciting prospect for anyone with a willingness to seek the future.  It’s vital to the UK to keep abreast with technology if we’re to create jobs needing specialist skills with good salaries, and pay our way in the world.

UCLan Engineering Innovation Centre planned for 2018

UCLan Engineering Innovation Centre planned for 2018

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