Gresgarth Hall Gardens near Lancaster

Gresgarth Hall, where is that?  That’s what I said.  About 5 miles east of Lancaster on the road to Kirkby Lonsdale, turn right at Caton and there it is.   On a bend the long tree lined drive hides the house.

It’s only open once a month and closed in winter and only the gardens are open.  They’re very nice gardens though.  Designed by Arabella Lennox-Boyd; a valley laced with paths, follies, trees planted to show off their bark, pretty bridges over a stream and sudden views.  12 acres.

Well worth the trip and afterwards we drove to Kirkby Lonsdale and wandered through the churchyard to see Ruskin’s View.  Lovely place Kirkby Lonsdale.   Other options are Devil’s Bridge which is a walk along the river bank or a walk from the market square along a ginnel doing both is a nice circle.Gresgarth Hall Gardens

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