Newspaper deliveries cancelled

Told today that a newsagent in South Ribble is stopping delivering newspapers because they can’t get anyone to deliver them.

We all need to run our own businesses as best we can but from what I heard this newsagent hasn’t asked anyone what they’d be willing to pay for delivery and hasn’t offered an alternative.  I have no idea what a delivery person gets paid but I think I’d probably pay more than I do for my delivery.

Who is losing out here? If it was my newsagent I’d not go there anymore as it’s not in a place I normally go to. I wouldn’t get a paper every day if it wasn’t delivered. So both the newsagent and the paper would be losing and you’d think it in their interest to sort it.

As it is, newspapers are getting a lot more expensive. I noticed that mine now costs 90p a day and at the weekend a lot more.  The weekend paper is full of supplements that go straight in the bin so there is a loss of value there.

The South Ribble newsagent must be losing customers due to high prices and the recession but just cuts off those who aren’t questioning the cost without making any attempt to keep them. Must be running a gold mine.

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